Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ponyboy Vs. Adam

Has it ever happened to you where someone thinks you're a youthful kid but you don't think so? The main character in the heartbreaking Story “April Morning” by Howard Fast is kind of like the main character in the adventurous book “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton. These two characters have nearly the same change in the book.

In the beginning of the book “The Outsiders” Ponyboy the main character is in a state of youth. Throughout the book he remains in a state of youth until Johnny and Dally two of his best friends end up in the hospital. He really changes from the event because he realizes that they wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for his childish decisions.

That is just like “April Morning” because Adam isn’t the man of the house in the beginning of the book because his father is alive. So you could say he is in a state of youth too just like Ponyboy. In the middle of the book the courageous Battle of Lexington occurs. Adam’s father was shot and killed. From there on, the moment his father was struck down by a musket, he became the man of the house or he became a man. No more young foolish acts were tolerated.

Once you become a man there is no turning back. Both of them in the story took and adventure into change, which was adulthood.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

April Morning

One of the biggest conflicts in the book is The Battle of Lexington. An army of no more than 80 men formed to face a army of a thousand men. The main character Adam has his father killed in the battle. I believe that it is resolved because Adam goes home after all of the battles and life returns to normalcy accept he lives without his father.

Another conflict is his father dies. Adam always felt that his father never appreciated him or loved him. Although before the battle his father holds him close and tells him he loves him. Adam then realizes that the reason his father seemed mad at him always was because he loves him and was looking out for him.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Story of Buddy the Elf and LaFonda

Author's Note: this story had to have a girl with big dreams on a snowy afternoon for Language Arts.

One snowy afternoon in New York City a girl with big dreams named LaFonda set out to find Buddy the Elf. She saw the movie and had an instant obsession over Buddy. She searched in the Empire State building, Broadway, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Gimbel’s and Yankee Stadium but yet still no sign of him accept there was no chewed up gum under the railings. She knew right away that he was here but if he wasn’t there, any good Buddy the Elf fan knew where he would be.
A few days later LaFonda arrived in the North Pole. She went to Santa’s factory and asked Poppa Elf where Buddy was and he said “look in the candy cane forest, his fort is there”.
So the next day she traveled to the candy cane forest by riding Mr. Narwhal. She arrived to the candy cane forest in a jiffy and found Buddy the Elf in a feeble position sprouting a full beard.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ponyboy vs. Randy

Authors Note: This piece was produced to show the point of views of the greasers and the soc's.

In the story the Outsiders Ponyboy, a “greaser” tells the hard life style of these outcasts. Ponyboy talks about how the “soc’s” are “white trash with mustangs and Madre’s”. Since Ponyboy, a greaser tells the story greasers are good and soc’s are white trash. Ponyboy and Johnny got attacked by Bob and his soc friends. Johnny killed Bob in self-defense; well that’s at least what Ponyboy and Johnny said.

If randy, a soc would’ve narrated the story the whole thing would’ve been different. Randy and the soc’s would’ve been the good kids and greasers would be white trash with too much hair oil. When the soc’s attacked Johnny and Pony Randy probably would’ve said that Johnny and Pony attacked them and attempting to drown Pony was an act of self-defense. While Johnny killing Bob would’ve been out of an act of jealousy.

Creative Piece

Authors Note: This piece was created to put "It's four o'clock in the morning" in it for Language Arts.

I awoke as my brother woke me up early in the morning. “It’s Christmas” he shouted with joy. Truthfully I didn’t care I was tired. “Are you crazy? It’s four o’clock in the morning!” I didn’t care about presents or anything right now all I cared about was getting some sleep. So my brother went downstairs without me, thank the lord. I woke up about three hours later excited to find what presents I got. To my amazement I found a big piece of coal in my stocking.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Outsiders Essay

In the thrill riding book “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton Ponyboy learns how the “Soc’s” really are; or at least some of them. Ponyboy in the story is a dynamic character.
Later in the book Randy talks to Ponyboy about how nothing will change if either of the groups win the rumble. You can tell that Ponyboy is a dynamic character from this because after he talks to Randy he tells Two-Bit that Randy isn’t a Soc he’s just a guy. Ponyboy realizes that the only thing different from Greaser’s and Soc’s is hair gel and thousands of dollars.
Another reason that Ponyboy is a dynamic character is because he changes his thoughts and feelings about Darry. In the beginning of the book Ponyboy explodes at Johnny saying how much Darry hates him. Later that night Pony and Darry get in a fight and Darry hits Pony because he stayed out to late. But later in the book he realizes that the only reason Darry hit him was because he was worrying about him and that he loves him.
I think it is a great thing that Ponyboy became a dynamic character because he changed in a good way.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Outsiders

I think the meaning of the title "The Outsiders" explains how they're kind of outlaws in a way because not many people like them . I think the title really sets up the story because you know from the start no one really likes them. Are my ideas as clear as a Krispy Kreme?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ponyboy from "The Outsiders"

Ponyboy is the youngest of the gang. He is short but a sommewhat good looking kid. He hasa two brothers named Darry and Sodapop. His bestfriend is Johnny. Ponyboy is a straight A student. He is nice, loving, and compassionate. Ponyboy also loves watching the sunset. He is an All-Star track runner at his High School.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Outsiders Conflict

The conflict between the Greaser's and Soc's is a big fight because they hate each other. They hate each other so much that they're willing to kill each other. Wow, they must really hate each other!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart

Insanity has been recognized throughout the ages. In the short store “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe there is a man who could be or could not be insane.
People are insane or crazy if they are danger to others and themselves. In the short story the man/narrator is obviously insane because he is a danger to the man with the “vulture” like eye because he kills him. Any man who kills another man because of their eye obviously has something wrong with them.
Another reason this man is crazy is he takes pleasure in watching the old man sleep. Every night at midnight he watches the old man sleep for hours, but one night he makes too much noise opening a door and the old man awakes. The narrator stands silently for hours while the old man waits for his next move. A light shines upon the old man’s “vulture” eye and the crazy narrator must kill him, and he does.
A way I can connect to this is I can remember reading about the mafia leader named Vincent Gigante. For years he pretended to be crazy, there was be sightings of him scrambling around outside in his pajama’s mumbling stuff to himself. Video footage shows Gigante to be in complete control of himself.
This short story reminds me of Peter Pan a little bit because Peter Pan watches Wendy, Michael, and John while they’re sleeping. He watches them because he wants to take them to Neverland with him. So they will not grow up.
Obviously the narrator is crazy. He is crazy because the definition of crazy applies to what he does, create danger.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Slacker

As a young lad Jim was always a slacker, he never finished his work, never did anything, didn’t do chores, didn’t clean the dishes, and never did yard work. I guess you could say Jim wasn’t a very good son. His mother worked two hard jobs every day, but Jim didn’t take on his mother’s trait of putting her nose to the grindstone. Once Jim grew up he became a slave. Even though he was a slave he didn’t work hard for one minute in his life. Jim always complained to his master but the master never gave in. Jim wasn’t very educated either. He couldn’t even spell his own name. As Jim grew nothing changed, he was still the slacker. Surprisingly one day Jim’s life was turned around by a thoughtful letter. Jim had won an award but the committee wouldn’t tell him till he made his appearance in New York City. Jim was so excited he wanted to get to New York a week early. Jim has never been out of Louisiana.
A week’s passed and it’s the night of the ceremony that Jim will get his award at. Wearing his best suit and tie, Jim still didn’t look very well groomed. Everyone had gotten there awards accept Jim. Last but not least Jim’s name got called up. The award he got called up for isn’t an award you want. The Spokesmen said, “And last but not least the last award of The Least Likely to Succeed goes to Jim”. Jim was so embarrassed he didn’t want to go up on stage, but he knew that he had too. By the time Jim got up his face was as red as roses. Although it wasn’t a great award he was still proud of himself for accomplishing something in life. When Jim got home every night he would shine the trophy just to remind himself of his accomplishment. Everyone knew Jim when he got back to town. He was no longer a slave. Jim opened his own business and for once became successful.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Tricky Kid at his Best

On the streets of a petite town in the southern part of the U.S. you can find one young boy conning, and using kids from left to right. In the short story “The Glorious Whitewasher”, by Mark Twain, the author describes the life style of the young American heart in the 1800’s.
Down in the most joyful place on earth, Disney World of Orlando Florida is a place called Tom Sawyer’s Island. It is just off of Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom Park. I can connect Tom Sawyer’s Island to “The Glorious Whitewasher” because the main character in the short story is Tom Sawyer, the king of the hustle and bustle on the streets of a small town in the southern United States in the early 1800’s. One can also connect the short story to The American Experience at Epcot in Disney World because the hosts are Mark Twain and Benjamin Franklin. Both of the American icons talk about how admirable Mark Twain’s writing is, of course the book Benjamin Franklin says that is extraordinary is Tom Sawyer and “The Glorious Whitewasher” is a chapter of the book Tom Sawyer!
In “The Glorious Whitewasher”, Tom Sawyer tricks many kids to get them to do his job. In the short story “Stolen Day” by Sherwood Anderson the boy skips school because he is jealous of a boy with a deathly sickness. Both boys skip something they’re supposed to do.
“The Glorious Whitewasher” has a romantic beginning. The beginning says it was a Saturday morning fresh with bright and life, there was a song in every young heart. All throughout the short story there is happiness and joy.
The naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie. This quote was said by Ann Landers and I can apply it to the short story because Tom Sawyer lied to all the kids that were tricked by him because Tom said he loved to whitewash his fence. It would be better if he said “hey guys I hate this job, but will you do it for me?” That probably wouldn’t have worked but it would be better because he wouldn’t have lied and sinned.
The young heart of the 1800’s was just as nice as or possibly nicer than the young heart of now a, days. Tom Sawyer is one of the trickiest characters of all time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Anything is Possible

Have you ever been in a time where you don’t think you can do something, but then you try and succeed? The quote “your life is what your thoughts make it” is by Marcus Aurelius and he could truly say that. This quote teaches you that you can do anything you want in life.
In 5th grade my brother tried out for the select baseball team. He didn’t make it and he was bummed because he told me he was going to be the best player. Well, he got a call back and made the team after the 2nd try out. Once 7th grade came along my brother was batting clean, leading the team in home runs with three, and had a .853 batting average. Unfortunately my brother quit baseball because he didn’t like it anymore. The varsity baseball coach at Pewaukee called my brothers cell phone and told him he could be the best baseball player to come through Pewaukee possibly. He went from not making the team to possibly being the highest rated baseball player to come through Pewaukee.
In 6th grade our first football game came. Everyone thought we weren't even going to win a game that year, but before the game our coach said we needed a leader. My third run and fourth run I scored a touchdown. After the game my coach told me I filled the leader spot that game.
What that quote really means is you can conquer anything you want if you put your mind to it and think positive about it. Just like Marcus Aurelius he said he would expand the Roman Empire and look what he did aggrandized it over hundreds of miles. If you want to do anything just put your mind to it and believe you can, then it’ll come true.
If you set your expectations high you can do anything. Just like Marcus Aurelius, my brother, me, and many other people in history.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Milk and Cookies Writing Piece

When you think of milk you think of cookies, when you think of cookies you think of milk. On many cookie packages there’s a nice big cup of splashing white milk. They’re both great alone, but when they’re together, they’re undescribable. Soft Chips a’ Hoy cookies are the best cookies with skim milk. Even though everybody says Oreo’s is milks favorite cookie, Oreo’s truly aren’t. Chips A’ Hoy were made for milk and milk was made for Chips A’ Hoy, I guess you could just say they were made for each other. It is just destiny.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Most Magical Place on Earth

Down south in Orlando, Florida is the most magical place on earth. Traveling to this place is always a great time and you’re sure to have fun and a lot of good laughs. This place is of course Disney World, it’s: the most magical place because dreams are made and fulfilled here. Disney World is one of, if not the best vacationing spot in the America.
The major icon of Disney is Mickey, but the main icon of Disney World is the Magic Kingdom Park. It is the main park out of the four parks. Stretching over 107 acres according to disneyworld.disney.go.com it has six different sections of themes, including, Main Street U.S.A., Adventure Land, Frontierland, Liberty Square, Fantasy Land and Tomorrow Land. Each section of the park is special in its own way because not one thing is alike in the sections.
In an episode of Full House Danny, Jessie, Michelle, Stephanie, and D.J. are going on a trip to Disney Land in California, but an awful event occurs. The trip is canceled because of too much fog in the air for them to fly. Well, when I was in fourth grade my grandpa, the guy who pays, had gallstones. My family couldn’t go because of my grandpa. Both the Full House family and my family were bummed because Disney World and Disney Land are great places to go and to be.
When people talk about Disney World they talk about how many times they’ve been there, but when people ask me, they almost go in shock. I’ve been there 19 times and I am going to make it 20 over Spring Break this year. As always before this special trip, I can’t wait to go and not to be able to go is a heart breaker.
The great Disney World in Orlando, Florida is better than Disney Land in Los Angeles, California because Magic Kingdom’s parking lot takes up all of Disney Land in California. Disney World has four parks while Disney Land only has one tiny park. The more parks and bigger area of parks equals more rides which is a huge plus and a big factor of why Disney World is better than Disney Land. In California, Disney Land only has two tiny hotels without themes. Disney World is number seven out of ten on the list for top ten vacation spots in the World, says travelchannel.com, if people see that it is number seven, then that will persuade people to go to Disney World.
The trips that I’ve taken to Disney World I know are the best because whenever I’m down in the dumps, if I think of Disney World, it always puts a smile on my face. This is because I’ve had so many amazing memories in Florida. I’ve been there so many times that for every one bad time I’ve had in Florida, there are ten good memories. One good memory is puking up my blue slushy on the side walk of my resort. That is a good memory because my puke was there for the whole week and it made me laugh whenever I saw it.
Walt Disney’s, Disney World is the best vacation spot in America. I love Walt Disney World so much; everyone should have a chance to go there in their life time.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where You Are Lyrics

Can it be I stayed away too long?- (he didn’t come back soon enough)
Did I leave your mind when I was gone?- (were you not thinking of me when I was gone)
Well it's not my thing trying to get back- (he isn’t very good at coming back to her)
But this time let me tell you where I'm at

I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anywhere you are- (he doesn’t care where she is, he just wants to be with her)
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Everywhere you are- (he always wants to be with her)
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh

Answer this...
Could it be I should have came back in an orderly fashion-(should he of came back with a plan of some)
Girl I'm just asking
What happened to the way that we used to be?- (he wants her back)
Up late at night counting stars just you and me
Now I'm the star you feeling like you losin me
But I won't let you go, you don't know what you do to me- (she makes him happy)
Like my religion you always stay true to me- (she never lets him down)
That's money over women, but you got glued to me- (she wouldn’t leave him)
I just want you back to light rooms with me
And in the back of my mind, jump a broom with me
Nah wait it's too soon for me
I just want some space in your heart, is there room for me?- (does she have another love?)

Can it be I stayed away too long?
Did I leave your mind when I was gone?
Well it's not my thing trying to get back
But this time let me tell you where I'm at

I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anywhere you are
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Everywhere you are
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh

Aye now that I'm gone I gotta testify
I wanna be with you and I cannot lie- (he wants to be her man and he doesn’t even need to think about it)
Looking at my phone another text inside
Saying how you miss me like I just passed by
Now I'm out on the road like the Jackson 5- (he’s going over to her house)
Say you happy for the kid, but when I'm gone you crying
When I reply you get that high
Like that's my swag girl I'm just that fly- (he’s so beast)
But you gon hold me down like gravitation- (she’s controlling him)
Cause back at home we was passed the dating- (they were married or engaged)
Now I want to see your face and I passed the waiting- (he can’t wait anymore to see her face)
Thinking bout a ring got the pastor waiting- (he wants to marry her)

Can it be I stayed away too long?
Did I leave your mind when I was gone?
Well it's not my thing trying to get back
But this time let me tell you where I'm at

I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anywhere you are
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Everywhere you are
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh

It's 3rd back again
And I need you baby like oxygen- (he needs her to survive)
If I start from 10 telling you how I feel
By the time I get to one you would know that it's real- (it’s true that he loves her)
10 is your smile I ain't seen in a while
9 you're all mine and I love your sign
8 is no debate me and you look great
And 7 keep letting me know to have faith
6 is a kiss that I leave on ya cheek
5 no lies and I put it on a beat
4 so much more that we got to see
3 you just can't be without me- (she needs him)
2 me and you always have a ball- (we always have a good time)
1 I'm gonna call so don't ask at all

Can it be I stayed away too long?
Did I leave your mind when I was gone?
Well it's not my thing trying to get back
But this time let me tell you where I'm at

I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anywhere you are
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
I wanna wanna be where you are
Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Everywhere you are
Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh

Monday, January 17, 2011


Over the previous two years many people have lost their job. Possibly due to there’s or the company they work for’s money situation. In Home by Gwendolyn Brooks, he tries to show how some lives may be a struggle for some people with not a good supplying job.
While 2008 was happening a terrible thing occurred. Roughly 2.6 million people lost their job in America says, CNNMoney.com. This means 7.2% of people in America lost their job in 2008. That has been the most amount of jobs lost since 1945. In 1945 it was a dramatic affect cause by World War II.
My dad lost his job in 2008. I know how those kids feel of the people that lost their job. Believe me, it isn’t good. When your parent or parents lose their job you feel reliance being lost and uncertainty. Those two feelings are never good under any circumstances.
In the book the author vividly describes Helen to be the ordinary girl. Helen won’t even bring her friends to her house because she’s shamed. Well you should never be embarrassed by where you come from. Then later in the story she learns to not care what other people think and wants to throw a party at her house.
In the story Home, there is a lot of symbolism from comedy. The first paragraph is a comedic introduction. It talks about sitting on the porch with family. The porch, a safe and comforting spot; it is noon which is also a comedic symbol. The robin is an assuring symbol of spring arriving. It is also a symbol of comedy, but none of these are the funny comedy you’re probably thinking of.
The story Home, is a good story and may teach you a lesson. Also many kids may be able to make a connection to the story. America is striding for greatness; one way of getting there is decreasing the number of unemployment.