Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Most Magical Place on Earth

Down south in Orlando, Florida is the most magical place on earth. Traveling to this place is always a great time and you’re sure to have fun and a lot of good laughs. This place is of course Disney World, it’s: the most magical place because dreams are made and fulfilled here. Disney World is one of, if not the best vacationing spot in the America.
The major icon of Disney is Mickey, but the main icon of Disney World is the Magic Kingdom Park. It is the main park out of the four parks. Stretching over 107 acres according to it has six different sections of themes, including, Main Street U.S.A., Adventure Land, Frontierland, Liberty Square, Fantasy Land and Tomorrow Land. Each section of the park is special in its own way because not one thing is alike in the sections.
In an episode of Full House Danny, Jessie, Michelle, Stephanie, and D.J. are going on a trip to Disney Land in California, but an awful event occurs. The trip is canceled because of too much fog in the air for them to fly. Well, when I was in fourth grade my grandpa, the guy who pays, had gallstones. My family couldn’t go because of my grandpa. Both the Full House family and my family were bummed because Disney World and Disney Land are great places to go and to be.
When people talk about Disney World they talk about how many times they’ve been there, but when people ask me, they almost go in shock. I’ve been there 19 times and I am going to make it 20 over Spring Break this year. As always before this special trip, I can’t wait to go and not to be able to go is a heart breaker.
The great Disney World in Orlando, Florida is better than Disney Land in Los Angeles, California because Magic Kingdom’s parking lot takes up all of Disney Land in California. Disney World has four parks while Disney Land only has one tiny park. The more parks and bigger area of parks equals more rides which is a huge plus and a big factor of why Disney World is better than Disney Land. In California, Disney Land only has two tiny hotels without themes. Disney World is number seven out of ten on the list for top ten vacation spots in the World, says, if people see that it is number seven, then that will persuade people to go to Disney World.
The trips that I’ve taken to Disney World I know are the best because whenever I’m down in the dumps, if I think of Disney World, it always puts a smile on my face. This is because I’ve had so many amazing memories in Florida. I’ve been there so many times that for every one bad time I’ve had in Florida, there are ten good memories. One good memory is puking up my blue slushy on the side walk of my resort. That is a good memory because my puke was there for the whole week and it made me laugh whenever I saw it.
Walt Disney’s, Disney World is the best vacation spot in America. I love Walt Disney World so much; everyone should have a chance to go there in their life time.

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