Monday, May 2, 2011

Anything is Possible

Have you ever been in a time where you don’t think you can do something, but then you try and succeed? The quote “your life is what your thoughts make it” is by Marcus Aurelius and he could truly say that. This quote teaches you that you can do anything you want in life.
In 5th grade my brother tried out for the select baseball team. He didn’t make it and he was bummed because he told me he was going to be the best player. Well, he got a call back and made the team after the 2nd try out. Once 7th grade came along my brother was batting clean, leading the team in home runs with three, and had a .853 batting average. Unfortunately my brother quit baseball because he didn’t like it anymore. The varsity baseball coach at Pewaukee called my brothers cell phone and told him he could be the best baseball player to come through Pewaukee possibly. He went from not making the team to possibly being the highest rated baseball player to come through Pewaukee.
In 6th grade our first football game came. Everyone thought we weren't even going to win a game that year, but before the game our coach said we needed a leader. My third run and fourth run I scored a touchdown. After the game my coach told me I filled the leader spot that game.
What that quote really means is you can conquer anything you want if you put your mind to it and think positive about it. Just like Marcus Aurelius he said he would expand the Roman Empire and look what he did aggrandized it over hundreds of miles. If you want to do anything just put your mind to it and believe you can, then it’ll come true.
If you set your expectations high you can do anything. Just like Marcus Aurelius, my brother, me, and many other people in history.

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