Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Slacker

As a young lad Jim was always a slacker, he never finished his work, never did anything, didn’t do chores, didn’t clean the dishes, and never did yard work. I guess you could say Jim wasn’t a very good son. His mother worked two hard jobs every day, but Jim didn’t take on his mother’s trait of putting her nose to the grindstone. Once Jim grew up he became a slave. Even though he was a slave he didn’t work hard for one minute in his life. Jim always complained to his master but the master never gave in. Jim wasn’t very educated either. He couldn’t even spell his own name. As Jim grew nothing changed, he was still the slacker. Surprisingly one day Jim’s life was turned around by a thoughtful letter. Jim had won an award but the committee wouldn’t tell him till he made his appearance in New York City. Jim was so excited he wanted to get to New York a week early. Jim has never been out of Louisiana.
A week’s passed and it’s the night of the ceremony that Jim will get his award at. Wearing his best suit and tie, Jim still didn’t look very well groomed. Everyone had gotten there awards accept Jim. Last but not least Jim’s name got called up. The award he got called up for isn’t an award you want. The Spokesmen said, “And last but not least the last award of The Least Likely to Succeed goes to Jim”. Jim was so embarrassed he didn’t want to go up on stage, but he knew that he had too. By the time Jim got up his face was as red as roses. Although it wasn’t a great award he was still proud of himself for accomplishing something in life. When Jim got home every night he would shine the trophy just to remind himself of his accomplishment. Everyone knew Jim when he got back to town. He was no longer a slave. Jim opened his own business and for once became successful.